Spices That Heal
Turmeric is the spice from which curry is made. Turmeric contains a yellow substance called curcurim, which gives curry its yellow coloring and its name. Curcurim is known to promote the liver's detoxification and cleansing. Some experts believe that it also helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, especially those found within the gastrointestinal tract or the prostate. The spice also inhibits carcinogens, such as those that grow on charbroiled meats.
Oregano is a very popular spice that adds flavor to sandwiches, subs and other Italian dishes. But it also has healing properties. Oregano has a lot of quercitin, which is an antioxidant. Quercitin has been found to prevent the growth of breast cancer cells and to delay the proliferation of mammary tumors. Oregano also contains farnesol, which prevents skin cancer growth and heart disease.
Rosemary is commonly found in spice cabinets, although it is not used as commonly as other cooking spices. Rosemary smells and looks like pine, with needle-like leaves. It contains carnasol, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins and cancer-causing substances. For this reason, it is healthy to supplement your soup, rice or vegetable dish with a few sprinkles of Rosemary. Rosemary also prevents heart disease, Alzheimer's and diabetes.
Black Pepper
Black pepper has been found to prevent many minor diseases and common illnesses, when taken several times a day. Black pepper decreases your chances of suffering from skin disease, asthma, colic, cough, diarrhea, fever, indigestion, obesity and chronic rheumatism. This is because pepper has a lot of manganese, vitamin K and dietary fiber, which help the body digest nutrients. In other words, black pepper helps the body to derive healthy nutrients from other foods consumed.