Common Native Medicinal Plants of California
Achillea millefolium, common name yarrow, is a perennial plant used as an anti-inflammatory. It is also used for acute fevers and to arrest bleeding. Actea rubra, common name baneberry, is a perennial plant. In addition to being an anti-inflammatory, the root is used as a vasodilator, antispasmodic and sedative. The berries are very toxic. A shrub in the anti-inflammatory category is Gaultheria shallon, or salal. It is also used as an astringent, for colic in children, as a pain reliever and for scrapes, abrasions and burns. Scrophularia californica, commonly known as figwort, is a perennial anti-inflammatory used for skin and mucosa, as a tonic for arthritis and for bruises and stings.
Aralia californica, common name California spikenard, is a perennial anti-fungal also used as a lung tonic and as an antimicrobial. Tea from the Artemisia californica, or California mugwort, is an antifungal and antimicrobial perennial plant. With the common name sweet root, the Osmorhiza occidentalis is a perennial anti-fungal. Thuja plicata, or red cedar tree, is an antifungal, antibacterial, smooth muscle stimulant. Umbellularia californica, common name California bay, is a tree used an antimicrobial skin wash, antifungal athlete's foot treatment and smelling salt.
Cold, Sinus and Flu Relief
Aesculus californica, commonly known as California buckeye, is a tree that strengthens capillaries and treats edema for chronic congestion. Known as the red root, the Ceanothus cunneatus is a shrub used as an astringent to membranes and as a gargle and mouthwash for a sore throat. The perennial plant Eriodictyon californium, common name yerba santa, is used as a lungs and sinuses decongestant and as a general cold and allergy tea. Heuchera micrantha, common name alum root, is a perennial astringent and a mouthwash for sore gums and throat. Salvia spathacea, known as hummingbird sage, is a decongestant, expectorant, mild anti-microbial tea. Satureja douglasii, a perennial plant known as yerba buena, is a diaphoretic for mild fevers and a skin wash for rashes. The perennial plant Smilacina racemosa, commonly named false Solomon's seal, is used for a sore throat and respiratory excitability. Myrica californica, common name Pacific wax myrtle, is a shrub used for sore throats and inflamed gums, as a vasodilator and to shrink membranes. Vancouveria hexandra relieves sinus congestion, chronic rhinitis and hay fever. It is a perennial known as inside-out flower.
Angelica hendersonii, known as angelica, is a perennial plant whose seeds are used for acid indigestion and nausea. Berberis aquifolium, common name Oregon grape, is a shrub used as an antimicrobial for the skin and intestinal tract, and as a stimulant to the liver and skin protein. The shrub Garrya spp. is used for stomach cramps, as a muscle relaxer, a sedative to central nervous system and for dry mouth. Its common name is silk tassel. Mentha arvensis, common name brook mint, is used to treat stomach distress and as a diaphoretic.
Urinary Tract
Arbutus menziesii is a tree, commonly known as madrone. It is used for bladder infections and yeast infections. Arctostaphylos spp., common name manzanita, lowers the pH of urine and moderates blood sugar levels. Used to treat cystitis and urethritis, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi is a shrub commonly known as uva ursi.Trillium ovatum, common name trillium, is a perennial used in the treatment of uterine bleeding. Vaccinium spp. lowers the pH of urine and moderates blood sugar levels. It is a shrub known as huckleberry or blueberry.
Skin Irritations
Asarum caudatum is a perennial plant commonly known as wild ginger. It is used to induce sweat and secretion. The perennial Chlorogalum pomeridianum, amole lily or soap plant, is used as a hair treatment. Used as a sunscreen, Lepechinia calycina is a shrub also used as a uterine tonic and antioxidant. It is known as pitcher sage. Frankenia salina, common name, yerba reuma, is a perennial used as an astringent, antimicrobial wash for skin irritations. Romneya coulteri, commonly known as matilija poppy, is a perennial used as an antimicrobial, external skin wash.
Pain and Anxiety Relief
Perennial plant Dicentra formosa, common name bleeding heart, is a narcotic-analgesic used for pain and central nervous disorders. Used as a mood-elevating antispasmodic and sedative Epipactis gigantea, known as stream orchid, is a perennial plant. California poppy is the common name for Eschscholzia californica. It is a perennial used as an anti-anxiety, sedative and analgesic. Pedicularis densiflora, common names Indian warrior or betony, is a perennial used as a skeletal muscle relaxant and for adrenalin-stressed muscles.