Herbs That Aid Sleep
Valerian Root
The Valerian plant is a perennial with roots and rhizomes that are used as a sedative to treat insomnia. It has white or reddish flowers that bloom in the summer. The recommended dose is 300 to 900 mg, which is equivalent to 2 to 3 grams of the dried root infused in tea. Take Valerian root at least 30 minutes to two hours before bedtime. Do not use it while driving or operating heavy machinery or if you are pregnant or have liver disease.
Chamomile is an annual herb that has small daisy-like flowers. The flowers are edible, and dried petals can be used as an additive to bath water to aid in relaxation. Chamomile tea is made by steeping 2 to 3 teaspoons of crushed flowers in a cup of boiling water for five to 10 minutes. People with allergies, asthma or on blood-thinners should be cautious. Do not use chamomile for a long time or daily.
Passion Flower
Passion flower is native to the Americas and has white flowers with a purple center. It can be used alone or combined with herbs such as Valerian, hops, or Jamaican Dogwood for a stronger effect. Passion flower is available as a dry herb or in capsule form. Take 4 to 8 grams of the dried herb daily in divided doses or the capsules, which come in 200 to 400 mg doses, can be taken two to three times a day. Although there are no major side effects, do not use passion flowers with prescription sedatives because it may produce a cumulative effect.
California Poppy
The California poppy is native to California and is found along the entire western coast of the United States. The flowers are golden orange with teal-colored leaves sprouting from the base. California poppy can be use as a diffusion, tincture or powder. Make tea diffusions with 2 grams of dried herb for each 150 ml of water and drink it two to three times daily. California poppy is child safe and has no major side effects. However, it is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Cowslip is a perennial with sweet-smelling flowers that have yellow petals with orange dots. It blooms in spring and is used to help with anxiety and insomnia. The flowers produce mild sedative effects and can be used to help children sleep. When used as a tea or infusion, drink a cup three times per day at mealtimes. Do not use this herb if you are pregnant women or taking anticoagulant medications.