How to brew oatstraw tea
Things You'll Need
- 2 quart jars
- 1 lb oat straw
- Filtered water at room temperature
- Tea strainer
- Wooden spoon
Place two to three liberal handfuls of oat straw in a quart jar. How much you put into the jar is largely dependent upon how strong you wish your brew to be.
Pour filtered water over the oat straw and fill to the top of jar. Stir to incorporate. While most teas are brewed with hot water, a cold infusion allows for certain minerals and vitamins to remain in tact so that you get the fullest benefit from your brew.
Loosely place the lid on the jar and steep for at least four hours. The longer you allow it to steep, the stronger the tea will be. Many people recommend leaving it overnight to extract the most nutrients.
Strain your tea into another jar using a tea strainer. You should have a smooth and leaf-free tea left over.
Sip slowly. This is an herbal medicine. Give your body time to adjust to the nourishing effects of the oat straw.