How to Dry Moringa Leaves for Tea

Moringa leaves come from the moringa tree, which is indigenous to India and has been touted for its healing benefits for thousands of years . Also known as the horseradish tree, leaves from the tree taste like horseradish, the spice used in many recipes. Moringaleaves help to strengthen the immune system, contains amino acids and have high levels of both vitamins A and C. Drying the leaves from the tree makes medicinal remedies for such conditions as elevated cholesterol levels and heart disease. The dry leaves also are used to make tea.

Things You'll Need

  • Moringa leaves
  • Pot
  • Paper towel or cloth
  • Strainer
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    • 1

      Remove the stems from all the moringa leaves.

    • 2

      Rinse the leaves with cool, running water under a faucet.

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      Place the wet leaves on a paper towel or clean cloth.

    • 4

      Bring a pot of water to boil on the stove to blanch the leaves.

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      Place the leaves in the boiling water for a two to three seconds, then remove them with a strainer.

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      Place the leaves on a clean cloth or paper towel. Spread the leaves out individually in one layer on the towel or cloth.

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      Leave the moringa leaves in a dark and dry place to dry. It takes about one week to air dry moringa leaves completely.

    • 8

      Take the dry leaves, and crumble them in your hands. The leaves can be made into tea by steeping them in boiling water and then straining the leaves so that only the liquid remains.

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