Herbal Treatments for a Swollen Face
Tea Treatment
A wet tea bag can help reduce facial swelling. When experiencing a swollen face, you can treat the swelling and any associated redness with tea. Tea naturally aids in blood vessel constriction that can lead to a reduction in swelling. Tea is also a natural diuretic, which will aid in the reduction of excess water and fluid. To treat a swollen face with tea, wet tea bags and place directly onto the swollen area of the face. Allow the tea bags to sit on the face for at least 10 minutes, avoiding the eye area. The tea should help reduce the swelling and also any redness as well.
Vitamins E and C
Vitamins E and C are both great for increasing blood circulation, strengthening capillary walls, increasing skin recovery and reducing pain associated with swelling. When experiencing a swollen face, take Vitamins E and C to help increase blood circulation and reduce swelling. Treat the swelling immediately by taking one full daily dose of a vitamin supplement of each vitamin. As well, when experiencing swelling in the face, increase the amount of vitamins C and E ingested through food intake. Try to increase the foods you eat that contain vitamins E and C, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, to prevent future face swelling. Consult your doctor about taking increased amounts of these vitamins.
Ice and Elevation
When experiencing a swollen face, swelling can be treated naturally by elevating the head and applying a cold compress. Do not lie flat when experiencing a swollen face. Instead, keep the head elevated by sitting up or using several pillows so that the head is always elevated above the heart. As well, the elevation will help fluids drain easier from the head to decrease swelling. Elevation will help blood circulation and blood flow to decrease the swelling. Applying a cold compress to the face will help restrict blood vessels and reduce swelling.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is also a natural treatment for swelling. When experiencing facial swelling in the face, apply apple cider vinegar to the swollen area and massage into the skin. The combination of the vinegar and the light massaging will help reduce swelling topically and reduce the redness of the area. The vinegar will help constrict blood vessels and the light massage will increase blood flow and circulation to help reduce the swelling.