Herbal Teas That Boost Immunity
For centuries, humans used plants as medicines to treat a variety of ailments. Records indicate that Native Americans, Romans and Egyptians believed in the benefits of using herbs in their healing practices. According to legend, in 2737 B.C., Chinese Emperor Shennong discovered tea by accident when dried leaves blew into a cup of hot water. Herbal teas, also called tisanes or infusions, are made by combining boiling water with flowers, seeds, berries or bark from plants. Herbal teas may contain distinctive healing properties, which are sometimes enhanced when combined with other herbs.
Immune Function
The immune system determines the difference between our bodies and foreign substances and destroys and clears these substances from infected cells. This complex system relies on the lymphatic system, white blood cells, the spleen and the thymus. The lymphatic system is the immune system's network of capillaries that move white blood cells throughout the body as they filter microorganisms and other foreign particles. The spleen cleans the blood by removing old blood cells, and the thymus produces cells that recognize and destroy bacteria, viruses and foreign tissues.
Types and Effects
Dandelion tea is a good source of antioxidants. Numerous herbal teas may increase immunity by enhancing the function of various components of the immune system. Echinacea, ginseng and green tea are common teas that may boost the immune system and lymphatic function. Astragalus tea contains antioxidants that may generate anticancer cells. Teas made with black elderberry and St. John's wort may be effective against viruses, with St. John's wort also acting as a natural blood purifier. Many believe that ligustrum tea is beneficial for the thymus, spleen and lymphatic systems, while herbal teas containing goldenseal may have antibacterial properties.
Herbal teas may provide a safe way to boost immunity. However, use them with caution. Adverse reactions can occur from ingesting various herbal teas. For example, avoid astragalus, ginseng and echinacea if you have a fever, high blood pressure or an autoimmune disorder, respectively. You might experience adverse effects if you drink tea in combination with prescribed medications or while you are pregnant. Herbals teas are not a substitute for taking prescribed medications.