How to Extract Oil from Neem Fruit
Things You'll Need
- 2 lbs. neem fruit pieces and seeds
- Rolling pin
- Cloth bag
- Sieve
- 5 cups water
- Bucket
Place several handfuls of neem fruit seeds on a large, sturdy work space, such as a kitchen counter top or long table. Roll over and crush the seeds and fruit with a rolling pin. Place the crushed seeds and fruit in the cloth bag. Continue to do this with all the fruit and seeds, placing all crushed fruit and seeds in the cloth bag.
Place the bag filled with the crushed neem fruit and seeds in the bucket. Pour the 5 cups of water over the bag filled with the crushed seeds. Remove the fruit and seeds and pour the water out. Put the neem fruit and seeds back into the bucket.
Place the bag on top of a sieve. Let it sit overnight in the bucket. The water you ran through it will help push out the oils and letting it sit overnight will help filter the oil from the neem fruit and seeds into the bucket.