How to Stop Smoking Using Herbs & Vitamins
Pick a date within the next month to quit smoking. Mark the quit date on your calendar. Notify your family and friends about your decision to quit smoking and the date you plan to quit.
Boil eight-ounces of water. Pour the boiling water into a cup and steep a mixture of dried herbs from cloves and astragalus membranaceus bunge for fifteen-minutes. Drink the tea daily before and after your quit date to help with withdrawal symptoms and to accelerate the conversion of nicotine in the body.
Use an all-natural smoking cessation patch to help aid with nicotine cravings. Grate a few radishes to release the juice and drink it twice daily. Take herbal supplements such as peppermint, valerian, chamomile, skullcap, hops and lobelia to help with the urges to smoke.
Take vitamin supplements of A, C, E, and a B Complex to aid in restoring antioxidants destroyed by smoking, which help protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. Incorporate these vitamins into your diet with foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, organs, fish, almonds, mangoes, nuts and broccoli.