How to Make Calamine Lotion

Most of us are familiar with the bottles of pink lotion in the pharmacy section. Calamine is a common treatment for a variety of rashes and skin irritations. It is a thick cream that you apply to skin irritations such as insect bites or poison ivy to reduce itching and promote healing. However, you can make homemade versions of calamine lotion for a fraction of the cost. With a few common kitchen items, make your own natural cream to replace calamine.

Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda
  • Oatmeal
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Measuring spoons
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  1. Baking Soda and Water

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      Measure your ingredients. In a small bowel, mix three teaspoons of baking soda and one teaspoon of water.

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      Stir the ingredients together. Mix the baking soda and water until they form a paste. It will be much the same consistency as store-bought calamine.

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      Smear the paste on the affected area. Take a small amount of the paste and apply it to the bite or rash. Make sure to cover the area completely. The cream will not rub into the skin; it sits on top of the irritated area to dry it up.

    Oatmeal and Baking Soda

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      Prepare your oatmeal. Use plain, unsweetened oatmeal for this remedy. Follow the directions on the package to make one batch of oatmeal on the stove. Remove from heat and let it cool.

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      Add in the baking soda. Mix in one to two tablespoons of baking soda. This paste is much thicker than the baking soda and water remedy.

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      Apply the mixture to the irritated area. Make sure you apply it in a thick layer over the area and let it dry until hard. You may want to experiment with both of these creams to see which one works for you.

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