How to Infuse Benzoin Oil
Things You'll Need
- Small double boiler with lid
- Powdered benzoin
- Medicinal oil
- Wooden stirring spoon
- Small square of fine muslin
- Large glass bowl
- Dark glass bottles with caps
Place 2 to 3 ounces of powdered benzoin into the top portion of a double boiler along with 2 cups of your preferred oil. Olive oil is a good choice for medicinal oil infusions.
Stir the powder and oil together with a wooden spoon, then place the double boiler lid securely on top. Fill the bottom of the double boiler with 1 to 2 inches of water.
Place the top of the double boiler into the bottom half. Turn the stove on very low heat and bring the oil and benzoin powder mixture to a slow simmer.
Simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour, stirring periodically and checking to make sure that the mixture isn't getting too hot. If the oil burns, your infusion will have an unpleasant smell.
Remove the mixture from the stove and strain it through the muslin into a bowl. Allow the mixture to completely cool, then pour it into sterilized dark glass bottles. Cap the bottles.