Home Remedies for Male Pattern Baldness
Honey is one of the finest home remedies for baldness. According to Ayushveda, combine honey and egg yolk and coat the entire affected area with the mixture. Leave on for two hours and then wash it off. Similarly, combine honey and onion juice and apply to the balding area. Another way to use honey to combat baldness is to mix 2 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. cinnamon powder and 3 tbsp. olive oil. Apply this paste on top of the affected area. Leave on for 20 minutes and then thoroughly wash the hair.
Castor Oil
Castor oil is especially helpful for hair loss. Health, Fitness, Glamour Online Magazine recommends coating the scalp and the hair roots with castor oil. Exclude the hair itself. Cover the hair with newspapers, then with a head wrap; leave castor oil on overnight, and wash hair in the morning. Perform the procedure every seven to 10 days. You should see results after six to seven treatments.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are beneficial in promoting healthy hair growth. A fenugreek seeds paste is effective if hair loss is due to infected scalp conditions attributable to hormonal imbalance or poor hygiene practices. Take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak overnight in water. In the morning, form a smooth paste by mashing the saturated seeds and rub on the affected area. Thoroughly wash the scalp and hair 30 minutes later. Repeat the procedure once per week until your scalp infection improves, promoting healthier hair growth.