Roex Lights Out Warnings
Pregnancy and Nursing
When you are pregnant or nursing, talk to your doctor before taking Roex. Roex Lights Out® is a natural sleep formula and includes melatonin and other herbal relaxants. But since it is a supplement, it might have unexpected effects on a pregnancy. When you are nursing and taking Roex Lights Out®, the baby can be affected. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult with your doctor before considering Roex for your sleeping problems.
Medical Supervision
Your doctor can tell you if you can take Roex with your ongoing treatment. If you are in an ongoing treatment for insomnia or other problems, taking Roex Lights Out® can interfere with the doctor's choice of treatment. Talk to your doctor to find out whether you can safely take Roex Lights Out® during your treatment period.
Roex can interfere with other medication. When taking any drugs, even if they are considered safe, talk to your doctor before taking Roex Lights Out®. The relaxing ingredients of Roex Lights Out® can interfere with other types of medication, possibly making them less effective. Such drugs can also negate the relaxing effect of Roex Lights Out®. Always ask your doctor if taking Roex Lights Out® with your other medicine is safe.
Do not take a sleep aid when you need to drive. Since Roex Lights Out® is a sleep aid, never take it when you need to be alert. If you are working with machinery or have to drive a car or truck, do not take Roex Lights Out®.