Is Maca Magic Irradiated?

Maca Magic sells supplements blended with maca root, a nutrition-packed root grown in Peru. Some concerns exist over whether or not Maca Magic's maca root supplements are irradiated, a process that exposes the root to radiation. Organizations such as Sustainable Table, for example, note that irradiation of food substances can create carcinogenic properties. Many health-conscious consumers choose not to consume foods associated with radiation, for fear of these negative health effects.
  1. Magic Maca

    • Magic Maca is a brand of maca root supplement that comes in pill, powder and tincture forms. Maca is a natural supplement that has been shown to increase sexual functioning in men and women, and improve prostate health, according to research done by BioMed Central Complementary and Alternative Medicine,.

    Irradiation Concerns

    • Food irradiation is a food processing system that applies radiation to foods after harvesting to kill bacteria or any viruses that might have accumulated. Irradiation causes deterioration of the quality of the food and produces free radicals, bringing a high risk for developing cancer and increasing the aging process, according to studies documented by Organic Consumers. Irradiated substances can increase carcinogenic compounds, says cancer research scientist George Tritsch. He also cites that the longest human safety study only lasted 15 weeks, which places speculation on the long-term health effects of consuming irradiated food, herbs and beverages in humans.

    Maca Magic and Irradiation

    • The form of maca used for Maca Magic supplements are not irradiated, according to a statement on the company website. Maca Magic provides an organic version of maca to help ease consumer's worries over irradiation, as certified organic foods and supplements are not allowed to be irradiated.

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