Natural Ways to Stop Armpit Sweat
Mix 10 drops of sage essential oil with 15 drops of essential lavender oil. Mix the ingredients with 1 ounce of water and pour into a spray-top bottle to use like a deodorant. Sage acts as a natural antiperspirant, eliminating body sweat.
Drink one cup of sage tea daily to reduce sweat gland activity.
Drink a cup of green tea early in the morning on an empty stomach to stop excessive armpit sweat. You can also add some green tea to your bath water. It will condition the skin in such a way that you don't sweat during the day.
Add 3 cups of tomato juice to your bath water and soak in this bath for approximately 15 minutes. Tomato juice acts as an antiperspirant.
Take a burdock tincture daily. Burdock is a herb that manages excessive sweating by encouraging the excretion of fluids from the body through other means. This is often sold in drop form and can be found at many health food stores. Follow the directions on the bottle for use.
Drink a cup of astragalus tea daily. This herb has mild diuretic properties and will relieve excessive sweating. Astragalus will balance your body's sweat response, resulting in an increase or decrease in perspiration as needed.