Topical Uses of Decaffeinated Tea Bags

Decaffeinated tea bags are good for more than making a beverage. Apply them topically for similar health benefits as ingesting tea, with the added bonus of targeting an area for treatment. Herbal teas are inherently caffeine-free, while black, white, and green teas undergo a chemical process to get there. Consider finding tea that has been decaffeinated with carbonated water rather than ethyl acetate, to enjoy the most healthful benefits from tea bags.
  1. Easing Joint Pain

    • Black tea bags are a powerful and natural tool to combat joint pain, due to an anti-inflammatory compound called the theaflavin. Theaflavins have the capacity to virtually "switch off" the genes that produce toxins, like cytokines, which cause inflammation. Placing a recently steeped decaffeinated black tea bag on an inflamed joint can help reduce the pain by attacking it at its source. The flavinoid epigallocatechin gallate, found in green tea, also has anti-inflammatory qualities, which may complement the use of black tea bags on the affected joint.

    Altering Haircolor

    • Chamomile tea is often used in hair conditioners and rinses, but the tea bags themselves can add low lights to your hair or even tone highlighted strands that are too light or brassy. For extra dimension to your hair color, steep several tea bags in approximately four cups of hot water and use the darkened water as a mask for your hair. To tone-down bleached or lightened hair, place a tea bag directly on one section of hair until the color has become deeper.

    Treating Warts or Lesions

    • Tannic acid is a compound found in black teas that can help remove warts and sooth lesions. Placing a steeped black tea bag over a common wart several times a day can greatly reduce its size. For the lesions associated with genital herpes, experts recommend placing a black tea bag directly over the affected area, to sooth the irritation. Remember that both warts and herpes lesions are viruses, so it is important to consult your health professional for the most optimal treatment.

    Nourishing the Skin

    • Red, green, white, and black tea contain potent antioxidant vitamins and phytochemicals for skin health. Vitamin C inhibits the production of melanin (pigment), found in sun spots and freckles. It also helps supports collagen synthesis, allowing your skin to produce new skin cells more rapidly. Vitamin E and carotenoids are antioxidants which suppress free radicals in the skin, which can otherwise cause cancer. Flavonoids treat inflammation associated with rosacea or acne. Remove the contents of any tea bag and use the leaves as a light scrub to take advantage of these benefits.

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