Chinese Herbs for Perimenopause
Dong Quai
Traditional Chinese medicine uses dong quai to treat many female reproductive issues, including perimenopause and menopause. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, this herb relieves hot flashes in some women. Researchers believe that dong quai can be helpful to women because it produces estrogenic effects in the body, but research on this herb is conflicting. Traditional Chinese medicine uses dong quai to balance female hormonal levels
Dong quai is not recommended for women who are at risk for hormonal cancers or women who are pregnant. Dong quai can increase sensitivity to sunlight in large doses, and caution is therefore recommended.
Geng Nian Le
A randomized controlled study in the "Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine" dated Jan. 15, 2009, reported that the formulization of geng nian le was tested to determine its efficacy in treating perimenopausal women with depression symptoms. The study subjects reported depressive symptom improvement with no apparent side effects. The study also noted that hormonal levels changed with a decrease in follicle-stimulating hormone and an increase in estrogen. The study authors recommended that geng nian le showed promise as a treatment.
Fo Ti
According to "The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism," fo ti produces similar estrogenic effects to soy and might help women to deal with menopausal symptoms. Dr. Karen Prestwood from the Center on Aging at the University of Connecticut Health Center reports that traditional Chinese medicine uses fo ti as an adaptogen and a way to balance the yin with the yang to reduce menopausal symptoms. Prestwood recommends that researchers focus on this and other traditional Chinese medicine herbal remedies to help women to deal with the changes that accompany menopause.
Traditional Chinese medicine recommends rehmannia for treatment of night sweats and irregular menses. The 1991 edition of "The Chinese Journal of Traditional and Western Medicine" reported on a human study using Rehmannia 6 Formula to relieve menopausal symptoms. Results of the study demonstrated an increase in estrogen, a decrease in follicle-stimulating hormone, and a decrease in leutinizing hormone that dropped to pre-menopausal levels. Rehmannia is utilized in several traditional Chinese medicinal formulas that treat menopausal symptoms.