How to Use a Dome Vaporizer
Things You'll Need
- Vaporizer
- Herbal blend
- Spatula
Connect the vaporizer into an electrical socket. Allow it to heat for about 10 minutes.The glass dome should not be attached yet. Then unplug the vaporizer and allow it to cool off completely. This ensures that any oil or dust on the unit will burn completely away. Take this step only the first time you use the unit.
Plug in the vaporizer. Allow it to heat for a few minutes before you use it. Complete this warm-up should every time you use the vaporizer. If you don't, the unit will not work correctly.
Place the herbal blend onto the hotplate. Spread it evenly with a spatula or spoon.
Replace the glass dome. Do not to touch any of the hot parts of the unit as they can cause serious burns. In a few minutes, the machine will begin to emit vapors.
Inhale the vapor by gently sucking at the tube attached to the unit. Suck in until you faintly taste the herbs. Breathe in harder if you do not taste anything.
Continue inhaling as much as you want within the span of five minutes. At this point the unit should be empty of all ashes, cleaned and stored until you use it again.