How to Use the Young Living Cleansing Trio
Things You'll Need
- Glass
- 8 ounces apple juice or carrot juice
- Spoon
- Water
Take three of the Essentialzyme tablets with each of your three daily meals, whenever you are experiencing digestive discomfort. This can include gas, bloating or cramps. Take this product as part of the cleansing system, or alone, to relieve occasional symptoms.
Take two to five of the ComforTone tablets before you eat breakfast. Take two to five more tablets just before bedtime.
Pour 2 tablespoons of the I.C.P powder into a glass. Add 8 ounces of carrot or apple juice and stir with a spoon until the powder dissolves. Drink the mixture immediately before it thickens. Do this three times a day, with your three daily meals, as part of the cleanse. If you are on a diet low in protein, do this once a day with your lunch.
Drink at least 8 ounces of clear, filtered water throughout the day.