Herbs for Concentration & Memory
Gingko Biloba
Gingko Biloba helps improve brain function. Gingko Biloba is perhaps one of the most popular memory herbs. Not only does it improve memory and alertness, it also contains antioxidants that help immune function. Ginkgo Biloba has been used medicinally for thousands of years. According to the Mayo Clinic, evidence has shown that ginkgo is effective in the treatment of dementia, age associated memory impairment (AAMI) and cerebral insufficiency and that it shows promise for improving memory in healthy people as well.
Hawthorn is often used with Gingko Biloba. Hawthorn is a thorny shrub in the rose family. Hawthorn berries, flowers and leaves are often used in supplements to aid in memory function. When used with Ginkgo Biloba, hawthorn is known to increase memory by increasing the blood flow and oxygen to the brain. The University of Maryland warns that you should never self-treat with hawthorn and use only with the advice of your health care provider.
Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola is a medicinal herb native to Asia and Europe. Tasteless and odorless, Gotu Kola is a member of the parsley family with small green leaves containing white or light purplish pink flowers. The leaves and stems of the Gotu Kola plant are believed to improve brain circulation, mental performance and memory. It has also been used to treat skin conditions like leprosy and psoriasis, syphilis, hepatitis, ulcers, epilepsy, asthma and fever. Gotu Kola has also been used to treat respiratory infections.
Bacopa (bacopin) is a creeping branched herb with speckled leaves and white to pale blue or violet flowers. Bacopa is believed to improve intellectual capacity, concentration and memory, as well as improve learning ability. Research has shown that bacopa is effective in treating anxiety disorders as well.
Rosemary is useful for improving concentration. Rosemary is a popular cooking herb that also enhances memory and concentration. Rosemary is also commonly used in soaps and other cosmetics but medicinally has been shown to have many benefits. To increase memory and concentration and to relieve stress, rosemary is often used in aromatherapy. In lab settings, rosemary has shown antioxidant properties, meaning it may be useful in neutralizing free radicals, which cause cell death. However, the Mayo Clinic warns that none of rosemary's purported benefits have been proven in human studies.
Schisandra is used in Chinese medicine for various illnesses such as coughing, diarrhea and sweating, but it is also believed to improve memory as well as sense of well-being and mental awareness. In animal studies, schisandra has been shown to be effective in protecting the liver against toxins, aiding in sleep and may have anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. However, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center notes that no human trials have been performed with schisandra.
Herbal supplements may react with other drugs or herbs and serious side effects can occur. It's important to ensure you are taking the correct dosage and not taking potentially dangerous combinations of herbal supplements. You should consult either your physician or a qualified herbal professional before using any herbal supplement.