Common Concerns with Ultra-Pure Chitosan
How it Works
Chitosan is a type of fiber that prevents fat from being absorbed during digestion. It breaks down and forms a sort of gel in the stomach that binds to fat molecules. Chitosan can hold between six and 12 times its own weight, meaning one 500mg pill (the average dosage) can keep up to six grams of fat from being digested. Typically, chitosan supplements are taken a few minutes before a meal, which gives the fiber time to dissolve before ingested fats reach the stomach.
Stomach Upset
Individuals with a low-fiber diet take time adjusting to the fiber content of chitosan supplements. These people can experience nausea, gastrointestinal pain and irregularity while their bodies get accustomed to the increase in fiber. Usually starting with a lower dosage and working up eases the body's transition. However, individuals who don't consume a diet geared toward balanced digestive health may continue to experience stomach upset long after starting a chitosan regimen.
Shellfish Allergy
Chitosan is derived from the shells of shrimp, crabs, lobsters and other crustaceans. Those with a shellfish allergy could have an adverse reaction upon ingesting chitosan. Chitosan supplements marketed as "ultra pure" typically have less filler and thus may be more potent, increasing the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
Risks to Pregnant or Nursing Women
Chitosan may bind to and remove nutrients necessary for pregnant or nursing women to transfer to their babies. Chitosan mainly binds to fat particles in the stomach, but it may also remove essential vitamins and nutrients in the process. These nutrients are passed from mother to child during pregnancy or breastfeeding, so women who use chitosan while pregnant or nursing may risk depriving their babies.
Problems with Use for Weight Loss
An average hamburger contains around 30g of fat, but an average 500mg tablet of chitosan can only absorb a maximum of 6g. Chitosan may keep some fat from being digested, but it's hardly potent enough to result in any significant weight loss without diet and exercise. The fiber only binds to fat in the stomach, which means it can only remove fat that's ingested, not fat that's already stored in the body. But because some chitosan pills are marketed as miracle diet drugs, many consumers overlook the fact that proper diet and exercise are necessary to realize any sort of weight loss. Many assume that taking a diet pill gives them carte blanche to eat whatever they want, but one 500mg chitosan tablet won't absorb nearly the amount of fat in an average hamburger. Plus, in order for stored fat to be removed, an individual has to engage in cardiovascular exercise to burn it; the chitosan won't clean out fat stores.