Properties of Eucalyptus Leaves
Eucalyptus leaves contain inflammation-reducing tannins, which are defensive compounds that work against bacteria and fungi, antioxidants and antiseptic oils. Coughs and colds can be treated with eucalyptus leaves by steeping them in teas or cough drops containing eucalyptus. Sipping on eucalyptus tea helps reduce sore throat pain and helps relieve symptoms of sinusitis. Chest congestion is relieved with creams that contain eucalyptus leaves. Some herbalists recommend soaking the leaves in alcohol for a couple weeks and diluting with water to use as a treatment for bad breath.
The distinctive scent of the eucalyptus leaves is a beneficial property for use in your home. Dried leaves used with other flower arrangements makes any room smell like an aromatic oasis. While the eucalyptus scent is pleasant for humans, it is repelling to some insects. Strategically placed eucalyptus plants can help keep some insects away.
One type of eucalyptus produces white, pink, cream, yellow or red flowers throughout the year. The eucalyptus flowers are a strong attraction for honey bees. The honey produced using the pollen of the eucalyptus has a sharp peppermint-like taste and can be mixed with other milder honey to temper the flavor.
The use of herbs as an alternative medicine may cause side effects and can interact with your other medications. Use caution and consult your physician prior to use. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, pregnant or women who are breast feeding should not use eucalyptus. Cough drops containing eucalyptus should not be used by children under the age of six years. (reference 1)