Uses of Thuja Extract
Thuja, a kind of evergreen plant commonly mistaken for a cedar, are common in people's backyards. While they're certainly pretty to look at, the thuja is good for much more than just landscaping purposes. When made into an extract or essential oil, thuja has many medicinal qualities and has been used as an alternative treatment for ailments ranging from acne to cancer. Before using thuja for any purpose, consult a doctor or health practitioner. Thuja can be toxic when taken improperly.-
While the American Cancer Society does not recommend using thuja to treat cancer and warns of the extract's toxicity, some alternative practitioners do recommend that cancer patients explore it as an option. It is believed to stop the growth of some cancers and tumors.
Diuretic Properties
Because thuja acts as a diuretic, it can cause a user to urinate and expel excess water, salt and uric acid. This is believed to cause some relief from arthritis and rheumatism. Because of its diuretic properties, many practitioners also suggest it as a detoxifier or a weight loss aid.
External Applications
Thuja is often used as an antiseptic and is applied to open sores or other small wounds. Because of its detoxifying properties, it is also sometimes applied to acne, boils or other skin problems.
Insect Repellent
Because thuja is toxic, it is useful for killing insects. Many people like that it is more natural than chemical sprays, and it can be fatal to ants, mosquitoes, fleas, bed bugs and other common pests.
Thuja as a Stimulant
Thuja is believed to stimulate certain processes in your body. Your body may ramp up secretion of various hormones, enzymes and other substances that will boost your metabolism and immune system. The hormone stimulation can also be good for women suffering from problems related to menstruation.