CoQ10 Facts
CoQ-10 exists in the mitochondria, the energy-producing center of the cell, and helps produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy source. CoQ-10 also functions as an antioxidant and can neutralize harmful free radicals, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
According to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database scale, CoQ-10 supplements are "likely effective" in treating CoQ-10 deficiency, which occurs very rarely, and certain mitochondrial disorders. CoQ-10 supplements are "possibly effective" for lowering high blood pressure, preventing migraines, treating muscular dystrophy and treating Parkinson's disease. CoQ-10 supplements are "likely ineffective" for improving athletic performance and preventing periodontal disease. More research is needed to determine whether CoQ-10 is effective in treating or preventing other conditions.
Safety and Side Effects
Tell your doctor if you take CoQ-10 or other health supplements. Talk to your doctor before taking CoQ-10 if you take prescription drugs. CoQ-10 may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite or allergic skin rashes. Avoid side effects by taking smaller doses of CoQ-10 two or three times a day.