How to Eliminate Bladder Stones Naturally

Ancient Native Americans and present-day herbalists use hydrangea root and gravel root either in combination or alone to treat bladder stones. The addition of marshmallow to the treatment helps to coat the stones and ease the passing. However, both Herbal Extract Plus and the Mayo Clinic indicate that no clinical studies have been performed to verify any medicinal effects of any of these herbs. All homeopathic therapies should be taken under the supervision of a physician or certified herbalist. You can take both or one of the roots and the marshmallow is optional.

Things You'll Need

  • Family physician
  • Certified herbalist
  • Hydrangea Root Capsules
  • Gravel Root capsules, either powder root or extract
  • Marshmallow capsules
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  1. Herbal Therapy for Bladder Stones

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      Visit your family physician to ensure that your condition does not require antibiotics. Advise your physician that you would prefer to seek a natural course of treatment before resorting to harsh medicines or surgery. He may have previously treated patients with hydrangea root, gravel root and marshmallow and prefer a particular brand.

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      Consult a certified herbalist. Certified herbalists can advise you on brands and address any questions you may have regarding the therapy.

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      Purchase the herbs at an organic store, herb shop or online.

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      Take two hydrangea root capsules at mealtimes three times a day with water. Continue this regimen until the bladder stone has passed. Side effects of excessive hydrangea root include dizziness, nausea and bronchial congestion.

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      Take gravel root one to two times a day at mealtimes with water. If you purchase powdered gravel root, take two capsules per dose. If you purchased gravel root extract take one capsule per dose. Continue taking until the bladder stone has passed. Gravel root should not be taken in conjunction with prescription medication without the blessing of your physician.

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      Take two marshmallow capsules twice a day at mealtime with water. Marshmallow should not be taken with iron as it may prevent iron absorption. Continue until the bladder stone has passed.

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