How to Reduce Hot Flashes

The most frequent and common symptom you will experience during menopause and perimenopause is hot flashes, says, and more than 75 percent of women going through perimenopause or menopause experience them. A hot flash is a fleeting feeling of intense heat that might cause red flushing of the face and neck and sweating. Hot flashes generally last between 30 seconds to five minutes. There are several over-the-counter products, prescription medication and natural remedies that treat hot flashes and can reduce the amount of hot flashes you experience.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton sheets
  • Large fan
  • Hand-held fan
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      Avoid hot-flash triggers. Common triggers include stress, caffeine, tight clothing, spicy foods, heat and cigarettes, according to

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      Jog, walk, swim, bike or practice yoga 30 minutes at least three times a week. advises. Exercise increases natural endorphins and can significantly decrease the amount of hot flashes you experience. If you do not enjoy exercising alone or have motivation issues, consider joining a team sport like basketball or volleyball.

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      Use stress-relieving deep-breathing techniques. Breathe in slowly through your nose at approximately a rate of six breaths per minute, says Focus on breathing in through your abdomen. You should see your stomach rising and falling during deep breaths. Use the breathing technique when you feel a hot flash coming on. Practice slow belly breathing for 15 minutes twice a day.

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      Place a fan in your bedroom, and keep it running while you are asleep to keep room cool, says Keep a hand-held fan nearby during the day, and use it to stop a hot flash in its tracks.

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      Wear layers of clothing during the day. Peel layers off when you feel a hot flash coming on.

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      Dress your bed with cotton bed sheets, says Flannel or synthetic fabric might become hotter at night and increase your chances of suffering a hot flash during your sleep.

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