How to Get Rid of Allergies Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Neti pot
- Premixed saline solution or non-iodized salt and lukewarm water
- Pot
- Distilled water
- Towel
- Essential oils such as eucalyptus, rosemary, myrtle or tea tree oil
- Quercetin supplement
Clear your nasal passages with a neti pot. Neti pots have been used for thousands of years in India as a natural way to flush out sinuses. These small vessels are similar to nasal sprays; they offer a small dose of saltwater to rinse away pollen and treat sinus congestion. You can find a premixed saline solution at many drug stores, or you can make your own solution by mixing a quarter to half a teaspoon of non-iodized salt with a cup of lukewarm, distilled water. Pour this into the neti pot. With your head tilted to one side, lean over the sink and put the spout of the neti into one nostril. Allow the water to drain out your other nostril. Repeat with the other side, tilting your head in the other direction. Clear both your nostrils by blowing gently. Try using this method twice a day, preferably before bed to help you sleep easier.
Use steam. If you are congested, steaming with a few drops of essential oils can help clear your nasal passages and aid relaxation. Bring a pot of water to boil. Turn off the heat and take the pan off of the stovetop. Add 2 to 3 drops of the following soothing oils: eucalyptus, rosemary, myrtle and tea tree oil. Inhale deeply for 5 to 10 minutes, keeping your face 15 inches from the pot. Drape a towel over your head to keep the heat in.
Ingest products with stinging nettle leaf. Nettle inhibits your body's ability to produce histamine, thus keeping you sneeze-free. Taking stinging nettle as a histamine blocker also avoids the drowsy effects of pharmaceutical antihistamines. You can find natural allergy products like nettle leaf capsules, as well as nettle leaf tea. To drink the tea, pour boiling water over the tea bag and cover for at least 15 minutes to ensure all of the medicinal oils have seeped through.
Take a quercetin supplement. Quercetin, a natural antioxidant, prevents your body from releasing histamine. Many foods we are familiar with contain quercetin such as oranges, onions, apples and tomatoes. Take a supplement with a high dosage of quercetin to help prevent allergic attacks. According to, the recommended dosage is 1,000 milligrams a day. Consult with your physician before taking this supplement, as quercetin can interact with other medications you may be taking.