What Are Some Uses for Liquid Aloe Vera?
Digestive Health
Use aloe vera liquid in the juice form to help keep yourself regular and promote optimum health of your bowels. For example, aloe can act as a gentle laxative and prevent you from storing waste in your bowels. Aloe vera liquid can help soothe and heal the bowels from any discomfort; destroying bad bacteria and yeasts in the stomach. This can promote a greater sense of well-being and larger amounts of energy. Jonny Bowden, author of the book, "Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth," recommends drinking 4 ounces a day as needed.
Topical Treatment
Use liquid aloe vera to treat irritated skin. Apply several times a day to sun burned skin and apply to dry or inflamed skin such as skin suffering from eczema. For an irritated itchy scalp, work some liquid aloe vera into your scalp and let it penetrate there for several minutes before washing it away. Even if you're not suffering from any skin ailments, use it daily as a moisturizer. Place small amounts of liquid aloe vera on cuts to prevent infection. Some have found liquid aloe vera to reduce redness and swelling and assist in healing.
Liquid aloe vera is chock full of anti-oxidants which combat the free radicals that can expedite the aging process. Thus, drinking liquid aloe vera can reduce or limit this process. According to the scientists Pandarinathan Chithra, G.B. Sajithlal and Gowri Chandrakasan in the article "Influence of aloe vera on collagen characteristics," an oral and topical application of aloe vera can increase collagen and elastin which prevent the aging of the skin. Bowden recommends drinking 4 ounces of the juice a day or taking two or three 500 mg capsules of pure aloe vera liquid.