Physical & Chemical Properties of Orange Seed Oil
Sensory Characteristics
Orange seed oil is pale yellow in color. It has a slightly sweet aroma, but is generally flavorless.
Fatty Acids
Orange seed oil is composed of three primary fatty acids: palmitic acid, stearic acid, and oleic acid. Trace amounts of linoleic acid are also present. These acids all make excellent base ingredients for a variety of personal care items. Additionally, linoleic acid is one of two fatty acids that the human body cannot produce for itself.
Chemical Properties
Orange seed oil has a pH level of 3.69, a refractive index of 1.47 at 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and a specific gravity of .920 at 59 degrees Fahrenheit.
Temperature Properties
Orange seed oil does not freeze solid, but congeals at about 10 degrees Fahrenheit and gels at -4 degrees. Orange seed oil begins to smoke at 300 degrees Fahrenheit and catches fire at 343 degrees Fahrenheit.