What Is Citrus Aurantium Extract?
Weight Loss
Citrus aurantium contains the plant chemical, synephrine, which is similar to epinephrine in its chemical structure, and is the reason citrus aurantium has been used in weight loss products after Ephedra was taken off the market. Synephrine stimulates the nervous system, and is used to decrease appetite.
Citrus aurantium is used in herbal medicines as a general digestive tonic and can be prescribed for indigestion, constipation, low stomach acid, nausea, flatulence and stomach cramps.
Essential Oil
Citrus aurantium is one of many plants that can be used for the extraction of Orange Blossom oil and Orange Flower water. It also can be found under the name Neroli petalae, though it is far less fragrant than true Neroli oil.
Citrus aurantium contains a plant chemical called synephrine, which may increase blood pressure. Anyone with high blood pressure or taking blood pressure medications should only use citrus aurantium under the supervision of their health care professional. Citrus aurantium may also effect the metabolism of many pharmaceutical drugs and should not be used in conjunction with prescribed medications.