Lavendar Oil Benefits
Alleviates Insomnia
Lavender's reputation as a calming agent is so strong it's added to some baby bath products. Whether added in its essential oil form to bath water or applied topically, lavender soothes tensions and quiets nerves, often leading to a better night's sleep. The aroma of lavender seems to assist those having difficulty falling asleep. Lavender's soothing scent is widely believed to decrease restlessness and anxiety. Netherfield recommends applying a few drops of lavender oil to the temples to reduce stress and relieve tension.
Lavender oil is thought to serve as a natural analgesic, relieving headaches, muscle aches, menstrual cramps and wounds. According to Netherfield, adding a few drops of lavender oil and some Epsom salts to a bath will reduce muscle achiness. Periodic lavender oil massages may lessen joint pain; a hot compress that has had several drops of lavender oil applied may comfort menstrual cramps if laid across the lower abdomen. A cool compress given the same application of lavender oil and laid across the forehead can send headaches scurrying. Lavender oil gently applied to cuts and wounds may lower pain levels, avert infection and prevent scars. To soothe burned skin, run cold water on the burned area for 5 minutes then lightly rub lavender oil on the burn.
According to Diabetes Spectrum, essential oils, and lavender in particular, can improve wound outcome and help guard against chronic infection. Lavender has proven effective in combating Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecium when those infections resist antibiotic treatment. Lavender's anti-fungal and antibacterial properties may heal head lice and scalp infections.
Respiratory Relief
Some believe lavender offers respiratory relief to those suffering from colds, sinusitis, coughs and the flu. Netherfield recommends adding two drops of lavender and two drops of thyme oil to a bowl of warm water, then placing a towel over the head and bowl and inhaling deeply to ease the symptoms of sinusitis. Doing so may loosen phlegm and help those with respiratory tract infections to breathe better.