The Uses of the Mullein Leaf
Skin Problems
Fresh cut or dried mullein leaves and flowers can be used to make a soothing and healing oil to comfort sunburns, rashes, minor burns and wounds. Soak 2 cups of either dried or fresh mullein leaves and flowers in 2 cups of olive oil for a full week. Strain the olive oil and then store it in a cool, dry place to have on hand. Rub gently it on affected areas for relief.
Respiratory Problems
Mullein tea has been used to bring relief to asthma sufferers since the early 1900s. Its antispasmodic properties help to prevent asthma attacks. Mullein also has a high amount of mucilage that can be used as an expectorant and to soothe sore throats, hoarseness, bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses. Breathing in the steam from the tea is also helpful to clear the sinuses. To prepare the tea, take 1 tbsp. of dried mullein leaves and steep in hot water. To make this tea delicious, add 1 tsp. of pure maple syrup or a few drops of vanilla. Since mullein leaves can soften the stools, start out with just a cup or two a day to see how your body handles it.
Intestinal Problems
The staphylococcus aureaus bacteria, more commonly known as staph, can cause boils in the intestines, and E. coli can produce intestinal inflammation. An enema solution of mullein leaves can inhibit growth of both unfriendly bacteria. To prepare the enema solution, steep 1 cup of fresh mullein leaves and 1 cup of fresh mullein flowers in 1 1/2 quarts of boiling water for 40 minutes. Strain and then cool to a lukewarm temperature to use with an enema kit.
As the use of antibiotics is getting more and more negative press, many are turning to home remedies for earache relief. The same oil used for skin problems can be used to help calm a painful earache. Heat a few drops of mullein oil over a cigarette lighter for 45 seconds or until just lukewarm. Use an eyedropper to drop into the external ear canal, then stuff the ear lightly with cotton. A hot water bottle may be placed on the ear to keep the ear warm. Do not do this if you suspect there is a perforation in the eardrum.