Linden Tea Effects
Treatment of Fevers
According to the Natural Healing Guide, linden blossoms contain flavonoids that are highly effective in reducing fevers. In some European countries, linden has received approval for the treatment of colds and cold-related coughs due to its diaphoretic, or fever-reducing, effects. Linden is also said to alleviate coughs and colds, stimulate the appetite and relieve insomnia, making it a potentially powerful standby for treating mild colds and illnesses.
Stress Relief
Linden flower tea is said to be soothing and relaxing to the nerves. A cup of linden tea may ease anxiety and treat health problems such as indigestion, irregular heartbeat and vomiting relating to stress. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, "this is because the flowers contain an essential oil composed partly of an alcohol sesquiterpene called farnesol which is antispasmodic and sedative." This relaxing effect is extended to the cardiovascular system. According to British herbalist Simon Mills, linden tea's hypotensive properties can actually help to lower blood pressure by easing the tension in blood vessel walls. As with any alternative medicine, always consult your doctor to learn more about drug interactions and potential side effects.
Liver Restoration
In France, linden is widely accepted as an effective liver restorative because it has a mild choleretic action. According to author Keith Stelling, the inner bark or sapwood of the linden tree stimulates the flow of bile through the liver "which assures non-aggressive drainage of the liver. This is the key to natural self-restoration of the liver." Proponents of linden also assert that in many cases, conventional medication is too harsh for liver conditions, so alternative, natural medicines are preferred. Linden is said to effectively decongest and restore the liver to a healthy state.