How to Make a Whole Body Tonic

The Whole Body Tonic is an herbal medicine which aims to support and tonify multiple systems and organs throughout the body. This tonic is thought to be beneficial for men and women throughout the year, specifically in stimulating the immune system as well as strengthening your nerves, arteries, organs, glands and skin. The herbs contained in the pills are also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, B-3, B-5, B-7, folate, iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, amino acids, omega-3 and chlorophyll.

Things You'll Need

  • Echinacea root
  • Siberian ginseng root
  • Nettle leaves
  • Dandelion leaves
  • Dandelion root
  • Fennel seeds
  • Licorice root
  • Gotu kola
  • Passionflower
  • Alfalfa
  • Kelp or Bladderwrack
  • Hawthorn berries
  • Saw palmetto berries
  • Mullein flowers
  • Slippery Elm powder
  • Cayenne powder
  • Coffee grinder
  • Kitchen scales
  • Cookie tray
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    • 1
      The Whole Body Tonic contains common plants like Nettle, Dandelion and Licorice

      Gather the following dried herbs from your local health food shop or herbal dispensary: Echinacea root, Siberian ginseng root, Nettle leaves, Dandelion leaves, Dandelion root, Fennel, Licorice root, Siberian ginseng root, Gotu kola, Passionflower, Alfalfa, Kelp or Bladderwrack, Nettle leaves, Hawthorn berries, Saw palmetto berries and Mullein flowers. You will need 3 g of each dried herb for the tonic.

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      A coffee grinder allows you refine your dried herbs down for the mixture

      Use a coffee grinder to break down 3 g of each herb, individually, into course powder. Once you have ground down each herb, combine them together in a large mixing bowl and blend together with 10 g of Slippery Elm powder and 1/8 tsp. cayenne powder.

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      Consistency should be firm but moist, like dough

      Add cold water slowly into the herbal mixture until it begins to gain a consistency similar to dough. Stir the mixture thoroughly. If it seems too wet, add more Slippery Elm.

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      Use your hands to make balls out of the herbal mixture. Each ball should be small enough to swallow easily; something the size of a pea should work for most people.

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      Place the herbal-mixture balls on a cookie tray in a hot-water cupboard, or somewhere else that is warm and dry, and allow them to dehydrate for several hours. Store them in an air-tight container in a dark, cool place away from the sun after they have dried completely.

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      Take one of the whole body tonic pills each day alongside meals. Increase the dosage to one pill, three times a day with meals, during winter months to improve your immune system, to detoxification, or if you have an acute infection.

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