Herbal Remedies to Treat Head Lice
The smell of neem wards away head lice. Neem shampoos, incorporating the neem tree bark or leaf extracts, act as a preventive herbal remedy against head lice. To kill an existing invasion of lice, 20-30 ml of undiluted strong neem oil or seed extracts should be applied to the scalp for a duration of 10 minutes and then rinsed off. The efficacy of neem to treat head lice was proved in a 2007 study conducted by Abdel Ghaffer F and Semmler M, Zoology Department Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
Essential Oils
Olive oil can kill head lice by asphyxiating them. Apply the oil to both scalp and hair; cover the treated head with a shower cap and leave it on for eight to nine hours to kill the lice. The fumigant action of 15-20 ml of the pungent eucalyptus oil, applied in spray form to the scalp, is effective in killing chemical-resistant lice. Other essential oils that thwart head lice are tea tree oil, rosemary oil and geranium oil. Add two drops of any of these essential oils to your shampoo or hair rinsing water to get rid of the lice.
Herbal Mixtures
"Nits" is the term used for head lice eggs, which stick to the hair with a glue-like substance. To detach nits from the hair, after a shampoo rinse wipe the hair strands with a cloth dipped in vinegar and strip down. Alternatively soak shampooed hair in vinegar and then comb out using a wet nit comb immediately. The nits will come out easily. Weekly practice of this routine can clear the head completely of all nits.
Other Treatments
Apply a mixture of a teaspoon each of limejuice and garlic paste on the scalp and hair to kill all head lice. After leaving the mixture on for half an hour, rinse with water.
You can also apply a thick coating of margarine or mayonnaise on the scalp and leave it on overnight. Rinse your head in the morning. These herbal remedies occlude lice respiration by blocking out their spiracles (breathing holes). This will cause head lice to die.
Herbal Treatment as Powerful as Pediculicide
Most of the herbal remedies for treating head lice are non- toxic, but the flip side is that they fall short of their poisonous chemical substitutes as far as their efficacy in killing lice is concerned. However, a clinical study in Israel organized in part by Mrs. T. Aboulof and Mrs. N. Edelstein of the Jerusalem District Health Office, Ministry of Health showed that an herbal concoction, commercially marketed as "Chick Chack" in Israel and as Hair Clear 1-2-3 in the US was as powerful as pediculicide for head lice purging. This product is comprised of coconut oil, ylang-ylang oil and anise oil. Apply the product for 15 minutes per session, three times a day every five days to eradicate lice. One ounce of the product lasts for one treatment.