Precautions of Wheat Germ Oil
Allergic Reactions
Make an appointment with your doctor or talk to your pharmacist about any allergic reactions that may occur when taking wheat germ oil. Always read the labels before you apply this product. Some wheat germ oils may contain other ingredients that you are allergic to. Common allergic reactions include dizziness, swelling of the face or tongue, itchiness and shortness of breath. If any of the allergic reactions occur, discontinue the use of the wheat germ oil and contact your doctor.
Sun Exposure
While wheat germ oil rarely interacts with other medicines, it can exacerbate other medicine's side effects such as sun sensitivity. When taking wheat germ oil wear sunblock when exposed to the sun, stay outdoors for just short bursts of time and avoid tanning beds.
Side Effects
While wheat germ oil is considered to be mild and most people have no problems using it, others are not so lucky. Common side effects to wheat germ oil include acne (as the oil can clog pores), skin discoloration and allergic reactions. It can also stain clothing. It is unknown if wheat germ oil is present in breast milk of nursing mothers taking it.