Home Remedies for Tapeworms in Humans
This notice is required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA): The remedies listed in this article have not been approved by the FDA. The statements in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Hand Washing
Whether you try one of these remedies or seek medical help, remember that you can re-infest yourself if you are not careful. To prevent tapeworm or other parasitic infestation, thoroughly wash your hands after handling raw meat, playing with pets, working in the soil or completing bowel movements.
Milk Bath
According to Patty at Grandma's Wisdom, a milk bath will rid your intestinal tract of a tapeworm, its egg sacs and larvae. You will need 3-4 gallons of room temperature, whole milk and a bathtub. Warm the tub by filling it with hot water and allowing it to sit 5 minutes. Drain the tub and add the milk. Sit in the tub with your knees bent and your rectum immersed in the milk for about an hour, remaining relaxed.
If you feel a tapeworm working its way out, stay relaxed or it will not exit. Repeat this several times over a period of several weeks to remove all the larvae.
Intestinal Cleanses
According to the staff at Home Remedies for You, coconut has been used to treat intestinal parasites since ancient times. They recommend eating a tablespoon of freshly ground coconut for breakfast. Three hours later, drink a mixture of 2-3 tablespoons of Castor oil and 1 cup of room temperature milk. Repeat as necessary until the infestation is cleared.
The Home Remedies staff recommends using a cold decoction of pomegranate bark to kill tapeworms. Pomegranate bark contains punicine, which is toxic to tapeworms. In a glass or ceramic pot, simmer 1/4 cup of pomegranate tree bark in 2 cups of boiling water for 30 minutes. Allow the mix to cool before straining and pouring into a glass jar and refrigerating. Drink 1/2 cup of the decoction every hour for four hours. Follow the last dose with 2 tablespoons of Castor oil. Children's dose is 2 tablespoons of cold decoction every hour for four hours and 1 tablespoon of Castor oil following the fourth dose.
According to Home Remedies for You, wormwood is a remedy used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to kill intestinal worms. Powder the dried, flowering tops with mortar and pestle. Create an infusion using 1/2 ounce of powder added to 1 cup of boiling water and steep for 15 minutes. Strain and drink one cup of the infusion per day.
Worm Dr.
Worm Dr. is an herbal mixture of licorice root, agrimony, marshmallow, wormwood, homeopathic chamomilla and homeopathic cina. This preparation claims to be 100% natural and safe for preventing and ridding the body of intestinal parasites. It also claims to promote intestinal health.