Tea Tree Oil Remedies

Tea tree oil is created through a process of steam distillation using the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia, a native tree of Australia. Traditionally used as an antiseptic, tea tree oil contains antimicrobial properties that make it useful for treating microorganisms like bacterium or fungus. Tea tree oil is used topically, and should not be ingested.
  1. Fungal Nail Infections

    • Nail fungus is a common condition that affects fingernails and toenails. Toenails are more subject to the infection, which is often contracted when a person exposes her feet to damp environments that have frequent foot traffic such as pools and locker rooms. Manicure tools that aren't sterilized after each use can also spread the infection. To use tea tree oil as a treatment for a fungal nail infection, apply the oil two to three times per day onto the infected area. When a new nail, free of the infection, has grown out, the treatment is complete. The growth cycle of a fingernail is about six months, while toenails take around 12 months to produce a new nail.

    Athlete's Foot

    • Athlete's foot is a fungal skin infection that may cause cracks and blisters on the skin of the foot. An individual suffering from athlete's foot may also experience burning and itching in the infected area. Between four and 10 drops of tea tree oil should be applied to the area three times a day. After the infection has cleared, the application of tea tree oil should continue for two additional weeks to insure the infection is completely gone.

    Head Lice

    • Head lice are parasites that set up an infestation on an individual's scalp and hair. They are transmitted when an individual who has the condition shares items such as a hat or comb with other people. Tea tree oil can help eliminate head lice by adding three to four drops to a small amount of shampoo. Wash with this mixture about four times per week until the lice are cleared from your hair and scalp.

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