List of International Medicinal Herbs
A popular cooking ingredient, garlic also has medicinal properties. Garlic is a popular ingredient in many cuisines, but most people don't know about its medicinal properties. As an alternative medicine, garlic is used in preventing heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Fresh garlic has also proven to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and can be applied to the skin for fungal infections.
Ginger is used for treating stomach aches and nausea. Ginger ale can be a refreshing drink on a hot day but it can also help in treating digestive problems such as stomach aches. It is also used for people who experience seasickness and is recommended as a safe medicinal alternative for pregnant women who experience nausea.
One of the medicinal uses of oregano is for toothache relief. Oregano may be a popular herb in your local grocery's spice isle, but its medicinal use has been known for thousands of years. Dried oregano leaves used as a tea can help with indigestion, bronchial problems, urinary problems, swollen glands and headaches. Oregano leaves pounded as a paste can be used for swelling, itching, rheumatism and aching muscles, while its oil can be used to treat toothaches.
Dandelion has several medicinal uses. Although the dandelion is commonly thought of as a garden weed, it is popular in many parts of the globe as an alternative medicine. Native Americans use it to treat kidney disease, skin problems, heartburn and stomach aches. The Chinese use dandelion to treat appendicitis and also to improve the flow of milk for nursing mothers. Europeans mix dandelion into remedies for eye problems, fever, boils, diarrhea and diabetes.