Spices That Cleanse Your Body
Oregano is a flavorful and aromatic herb with anti-parasitic properties. Oregano binds bile salts and cancer-causing toxins in the colon and helps to remove them from the body, according to Life Style Lounge online. Oregano has anti-parasitic properties and helps expel parasites from the body's digestive system. Oregano is a great antioxidant, preventing cell damage in the body, fights against the bacterial disease giardia, and helps strengthen the immune system.
Fresh cilantro not only flavors salsa , but it helps to cleanse the body of toxic metals. Cilantro, also known as coriander, is an herb with powerful antioxidant properties. Cilantro helps remove toxic metals from the body, lowers cholesterol and fights free radicals. Cilantro fights nausea and gas, benefits the digestive system as well as clears out bacterial and viral infections. According to Instah.com online, cilantro fights of urinary tract infections as well as kills the bacteria that cause salmonella.
Auyervedic medicine uses turmeric as a liver cleanser, according to NaturalHealthWeb.com. Turmeric helps the liver produce bile, which in turn helps the liver to detoxify itself and recharge its cells. Turmeric purifies the blood, promotes good digestion and is also a skin cleanser.
Fresh garlic provides better medicinal benefits than powdered garlic. Garlic is a great herb, because it is inexpensive and kills lots of bacteria and pathogens in the body. According to Intent online, garlic works as a blood cleanser and to helps expel parasites in the digestive system. Garlic helps to remove mucus build up in the respiratory system and increases the strength of the immune system. People undergoing a detox diet or fasting can incorporate garlic to help cleanse the body effectively, as well as supplying antioxidants to help heal and repair damage. Only fresh garlic contains the greatest amount of healthful benefits, as garlic powder has basically none.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper has properties which help treat sore throats and colds. Ancient societies benefited from the use of cayenne pepper for maintaining health, flavoring food and fighting off ailments. Cayenne pepper helps treat heartburn, delirium, tremors, gout, paralysis, sore throat, according to Dr. Edward Group. Cayenne pepper has anti-inflammatory properties, anti-fungal properties, and is great for breaking up mucus during a cold. Cayenne pepper is also anti-bacterial in nature, which is great for battling against colds and fevers. Cayenne pepper is found in most grocery stores in powdered form, where it can be easily used in foods for good digestion or gargled as a rinse to battle sore throats.
Fresh cloves have been used to help expel parasites from the body. Fresh whole cloves contain wonderful medicinal properties. Fresh cloves are a digestive aid; powdered and ingested they help rid the body of intestinal parasites and also kill parasite eggs. Cloves also contain anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties that make them great for cleansing the skin. A whole clove can be sucked on as a mint, which gives you fresh pleasant breath and cleanses the mouth.