Information on Fish Oil Capsules
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Fish oil capsules are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to human health, but our bodies cannot produce them naturally. We must get our omega-3 fatty acids from food, and fish are the richest source of these acids. The common American diet can contain 14 to 25 times more of unhealthy fatty acids than healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
A regular regimen of fish oil capsules as a dietary supplement can reduce the risk of a variety of health complications. For instance, enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can help prevent some forms of cancer, arthritis, some neurological disorders, and some respiratory disorders. Also, fish oil capsules can help heart health by lowering cholesterol and lessening your chance of developing heart disease.
There are three major types of fish oil capsules: cod liver fish oil, health food grade fish oil, and pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Cod liver fish oil is considered the lowest quality, while pharmaceutical grade oil is considered the highest. With cod liver capsules, there is a risk of contaminants and even a blend of oil from a variety of fish. Health food grade fish oil has a smaller risk of contaminants, but is specific to one type of fish. Pharmaceutical grade fish oil capsules undergo extensive testing and purification processes to limit any gastric distress or chance of dangerous contaminants.