Supplements for Memory Loss
Vitamin B12 may play a critical role in preventing or reversing memory loss. Your body needs B12 to form healthy nerve cells, and memory loss is a common symptom of B12 deficiency. Many people, particularly as they age, lose the ability to absorb B12 from the food they eat. In such cases, B12 can be administered through regular injections or by placing a liquefied version under the tongue, where it can be absorbed through the mouth's epithelial tissue.
Choline is a key building block for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter linked to memory function. Choline is found in fatty foods, such as liver, eggs, codfish and chicken, but it is also present in vegetarian-friendly foods such as spinach and cauliflower. As a supplement, it is often produced as choline bitartrate. Choline is frequently present in B-complex vitamin supplements, as well. If you are currently taking a B-complex supplement, check the label to see if you may already be supplementing with choline.
Fish oil
Fish oil has a strong reputation for improving cardiovascular health, but research shows that fish oil offers memory-boosting advantages as well. According to research presented at the Alzheimer's Association 2009 International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, research subjects who took regular doses of DHA, the active ingredient in fish oil supplements, were twice as likely to reduce the number of errors they committed on memory tests. For years there has been anecdotal evidence linking diets rich in fish to improved memory, but research is beginning to show that supplementing with fish oil can allow you to derive the same types of benefits.
Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba is arguably the best known supplement for boosting memory, although the research on its effectiveness has produced mixed results. Some studies have shown mild cognitive improvement for people who regularly ingest ginkgo biloba supplements, while a 2009 large-scale study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association cast doubt on whether ginkgo biloba could prevent or improve memory loss. The jury may still be out on ginkgo biloba, but this supplement does have a long history of use by people looking to improve memory function, and has been a staple of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.