Information on Chromium Picolinate
Picolinate, an amino acid, is added to chromium to help the body absorb the compound, according to Vanderbilt University. Chromium is found naturally in foods such as whole-grain breads, fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish and meat.
Uses of chromium picolinate include improving the metabolizing of glucose, lowering cholesterol and as a weight-loss supplement, according to Cerner Multum. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved chromium picolinate for all of these uses.
Pregnant and breast-feeding woman should not take chromium picolinate as it may be harmful to an unborn or nursing child. Individuals with certain conditions such as liver disease, cancer, diabetes or a weak immune system may not be able to take this supplement.
Drug Interactions
Chromium picolinate should not be taken with insulin or oral diabetes medications, steroids, nicotinic acid, proton-pump inhibitors and other stomach acid reducers, beta-blockers, aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen except on the advice of a physician. Antacids should be avoided while taking chromium picolinate.
Supplements that are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration should be used with caution.