What Are the Benefits of Royal Maca?
Maca is Adaptogenic
Maca is an adaptogen; a substance that adapts to the individual needs of each person who consumes it. As such, it promotes a healthy balance in the body, regardless of age or gender. According to research by Dr. Gloria Chacon, four essential alkaloids in maca nourish and regulate the endocrine system by increasing levels of precursor hormones. The body uses the precursor hormones as building blocks to produce its own sex steroidal hormones. The endocrine system tells the body which hormones are needed and, at what level they are needed, in order to maintain a health hormonal balance. Internal production of hormones means the body does not suffer the negative affects often experienced with artificial hormone replacement.
Female Sexual Benefits
According to Dr. Chacon, maca enhances fertility and libido in women. Maca maintains sexual desire and supports healthy ovulation. According to an article in Nature/Health magazine, maca use alleviates PMS and menopausal symptoms. Perimenopausal women who use maca have fewer difficulties with hot flashes, depression, mood swings, night sweats and bone loss. Estrogen levels are maintained at healthy levels and are balanced with adequate progesterone levels. This delicate balance is preserved without the harmful side effects that accompany artificial hormone replacement.
Male Sexual Benefits
According to a study by Dr. G. F. Gonzales in the Asian Journal of Andrology, maca enhances fertility and libido in men. Maca maintains sexual desire and may increase sperm count through its adaptogenic action on the sex organs and the endocrine system. Maca supports healthy erectile function and enables men to remain sexually active beyond middle age. The men remain healthier and safer because maca has none of the side effects and dangers of male enhancement drugs.
Adrenal Support
Maca helps the body adapt to stress and boosts energy by supporting the adrenals. Healthy adrenals promote a healthy immune system, healthy thyroid and better digestive health. Animal studies reported by Phytotherapy Research reveal that maca reduces low density lipoproteins, total serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Maca also lowered blood glucose levels and improved glucose tolerance.
Anti-Aging Benefits
Dr. Garry P. Gordon, founder and president of the International College of Advanced Longevity Medicine, reports that maca revitalizes the middle aged and mature body. He believes that the normalizing of steroidal hormones has the ability to slow aging. Increased steroidal hormone levels slow the degenerative effects of aging like weight gain, loss of muscle mass, slower cognitive response and an increase in coronary and blood sugar issues.
Nutritional Benefits
Maca is an antioxidant rich in selenium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It contains B vitamins, zinc, iodine, manganese, copper and silica. No side effects have been noted from consuming maca as food or as a food supplement. Maca is at many health food stores and pharmacies in powder, liquid, tablet and capsule form.