Properties of Grapefruit Oil
Healthful Properties
Grapefruits are high in antioxidants thanks to the vitamin C they contain, according to Organic Facts. Antioxidants protect cells against damage by free radicals and unstable molecules. The oil is also a good diuretic, helping the body dispose of toxins naturally through urination by releasing extra water and fat from the body. It is often used to treat infections of the colon, stomach and urinary tract, and its antiseptic properties can help decrease the spread of bacteria derived from scrapes or cuts. When combined with massage oil and applied directly to affected areas, grapefruit oil can help reduce cellulite.
Cooking Properties
If you are preparing a dish that requires citrus flavor consider adding grapefruit oil to it. Mixing a few drops with olive oil can create a fresh citrus salad dressing, and if you are watching your waistline add a few drops of grapefruit oil to water to increase your metabolism. In addition, the scent alone has been shown to decrease appetite.
Aromatherapy Properties
Grapefruit oil has antidepressant qualities and is also a stimulant, according to The Ananda Apothecary. You can use it in aromatherapy by applying the oil to a light bulb ring and letting the heat release a strong citrus scent to help ward off feelings of depression. Inhaling the scent of grapefruit oil also relaxes the mind, reduces feelings of anxiety and encourages positive feelings. It can also stimulate your body, making you feel more alert and energetic.