Vitex Extract Benefits
Vitex may cause gastrointestinal problems, rashes and dizziness in some individuals. Vitex affects hormone and dopamine levels. Pregnant women, women using hormonal contraception, breast cancer patients, and people taking dopamine-related medications should avoid using Vitex.
Balancing Hormones
Through action on the pituitary gland, chasteberry enhances the production of progesterone, leutinizing and luerotropic hormones as it inhibits follicle-stimulating hormones and prolactin. It increases dopamine production. The action is slow, however, and use for several months is necessary before real benefits are noticeable. Use for a year or more is necessary for the benefits to be permanent.
Easing PMS
Medical studies verify that Chasteberry effectively reduces symptoms of PMS. An article by Dr. Beatrix Roemheld-Hamm published in the American Family Physician that looks at several European studies, concluded that breast pain, bloating, headache, constipation and mood issues were most affected by chasteberry use.
Increasing Milk Production
While the studies noted in Dr. Roemheld-Hamm's report did not support a positive increase in breast milk production, hasteberry has traditionally been employed for this purpose. Low doses of chasteberry appear to increase prolactin, but higher doses appear to lower it. Prolactin is necessary to produce breast milk and to initiate the let-down reflex.
Treating Infertility
Chasteberry has traditionally been recommended for the treatment of infertility. Dr. Roemheld-Hamm's article discussed a small study of women with infertility due to luteal phase insufficiency or amenorhhea; those who received chasteberry conceived twice as often as those who did not.
Easing Menopausal Symptoms
Menopausal hot flashes and dizziness can be eased with chasteberry. These complaints are most effectively treated when the symptoms are the results of high levels of estrogen. Chasteberry may also relieve vaginal dryness because it increases the production of progesterone.
Reducing Inflammation
Master Herbalist Jessica Godino at Red Moon Herb reports that the anti-inflammatory properties in chasteberry can reduce and eliminate uterine fibroids and endometriosis. Permanent results require regular use and may take as long as two years to completely produce the desired results. Studies have not been done to test the effectiveness of chasteberry on other forms of inflammation.
Regulating Menstrual Cycles.
Chasteberry regulates the menstrual cycle through it effect on the hormones. It may eliminate irregular cycles, breakthrough bleeding and excessive menstrual flow. It may also reduce painful menstrual contractions, constipation and bloating.
Reducing Menstrual Acne
Chasteberry is effective in treating menstrual acne. Hormone balancing is likely the mechanism by which this is achieved.
Chasteberry is available in tincture, extract or capsule forms. Liquid forms are more effective and produce faster results than capsules. You may find the products labeled as Vitex, Chasteberry or Chaste Berry. Most health food stores, and some pharmacies, carry Vitex products.