What Does Pawpaw Do for Eczema?
Pawpaw is naturally high in vitamin A, which is a fat-soluble vitamin essential in the production and maintenance of healthy skin throughout the body. Pawpaw also contains vitamin C, which has long been shown to rejuvenate damaged skin and boost skin cell turnover. The pawpaw fruit has natural antiseptic properties that help to keep eczema areas clean and improve inflammation. Keeping skin free of bacterial infection is vital in controlling eczema. Furthermore, pawpaw contains active enzymes that promote healthy skin by targeting and breaking down skin damaged by eczema.
Benefits of Raw Paw Paw
In addition to containing vitamins and enzymes, raw pawpaw softens scaly skin, helps soothe inflammation, and dulls itchiness. The skin of the pawpaw fruit can be applied directly to eczema. Rub the inside (the wet side) of the fruit skin on any treatment area. Raw pawpaw skin is sticky, which helps it adhere to the irritated skin. The juices of the pawpaw and the pulp inside soothe skin that is irritated and itchy due to eczema. Raw pawpaw skin is unprocessed and therefore free of extra ingredients that could cause irritation.
Paw Paw Ointment
If raw pawpaw is not available, use a pawpaw ointment or salve, which can be ordered online from a variety of retailers. Pawpaw ointment often contains added ingredients that aid in absorption. This allows the enzymes, vitamins, and other elements of the fruit to quickly penetrate the skin. An ointment may also allow you to deliver greater doses of pawpaw with less sticky mess. For an added benefit, massage the area after application in order to stimulate blood flow