Ionic Liquid Zinc Uses
Immunity Booster
For years, zinc has been placed on a pedestal and praised as a "cure all" mineral that heroically fights off the common cold or flu. Many companies have run with this theory to market over-the-counter cold and flu concoctions containing liquid ionic zinc and throat lozenges. As stated by Alkaline Water System, a manufacturer of water ionizing products, liquid ionic zinc may reduce the intensity and duration of the common cold and flu. According to Medic8 Ltd., a medical information website for healthcare professionals, further research is necessary to fully determine the medical benefits of zinc and the common cold. While it is true that zinc has certain bacteria fighting properties that assist the immune system, the extent to which ionic zinc impacts the common cold is still up for debate within the medical community.
Wound Healing
According to the company, Alkaline Water System, liquid ionic zinc can be used to heal acne and eczema, two chronic bacterial conditions of the skin. Alkaline Water System further explains that zinc is involved in the process of testosterone regulation which helps to prevent acne as well helping to decrease inflammation which facilitates the healing of eczema.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Advocates of ionic zinc at the water company, Alkaline Water System, assert that liquid ionic zinc can be used to increase energy levels in patients who have the medical condition known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). In a public online statement, Alkaline Water System also reports, "doctors suggest no other medications for curing the illness aside from fish oil and zinc." However, according to a zinc fact sheet created by the staff at, the cause of CFS has not yet been discovered and zinc is not listed as a treatment remedy for the improvement of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.