Natural Chinese Bulk Herbs
Kun Bu for Weight Loss and Metabolism
Otherwise known as kelp, Kun Bu is a common form of seaweed indigenous to ocean floors that TCM practitioners use to fight obesity by regulating the metabolism. Because Kun Bu is rich in iodine, an essential mineral for balanced hormone production in both men and women, it can also aid in balancing the thyroid. Kelp bulk herbs may be eaten in raw, dried, powder or tincture forms, but due to its high iodine content, should not be taken by those with hyperthyroidism. Kelp's nature is categorized as yin, or cold, which is said to "clear away heat, purge fire and eliminate toxic material," according to the TCM doctors at TCM Clineek.
Hou Po for Anti-Stress and Anxiety
Huo Po, commonly called magnolia bark, is called upon by TCM practitioners to reduce stress and anxiety due to its ability to control cortisol, the body's chief stress hormone. When produced in high levels, cortisol has been linked to such ailments as obesity, diabetes, poor immune function and problems with memory. According to Flora Health, a European herb manufacturer and supplier since the 1900s, Hou Po also offers antioxidant benefits which surpass those of vitamin E by 1,000 to one. Huo Po's nature is categorized as yang, or warm, which is said to expel cold and restore vitality.
He Shou Wu and Jiao Gu Lan for Anti-Aging
TCM practitioners define the inability to age gracefully as an imbalance of Qi, or yin and yang life energy. He Shou Wu has been traditionally used by the older generation of men and women in China to stimulate the endocrine glands, halting the graying of hair and lessening body stresses congruent with aging, according to Chinese Herbs Direct, a wholesale bulk herb outlet. Jiao Gu Lan is defined as the "immortality" herb in China due to scientific observations of people living well beyond 100 years old in the southern Chinese mountains, where it is consumed naturally. Jiao Gu Lan is said to be an exalted form of ginseng offering all of the medicinal qualities of ginseng, but without excessive stimulation. He Shou Wu is categorized by TCM as a sweet herb, used internally to nourish, harmonize and moisten.
Hu Zhang for Heart Health
Also known as resveratrol, the benefits of this red wine extract include antioxidants called polyphenols that protect the lining of blood vessels in the heart, according to a recent health report by CNN. Hu Zhang has also been esteemed by traditional and Eastern doctors for its ability to "prevent arteries from becoming clogged with fatty blockages" and for reducing the risk of blood clots and inflammation, two leading causes of heart disease. Hu Zhang is categorized as a bitter and cold herb and may be taken in a variety of ways, including crude form and tincture.
Ban Zhi Lian for Cancer Fighting
Hot herbs are of yang energy and aid in the removal of toxins. Studies recently performed by the University of California's Complementary and Alternative Medicine program on patients with stage IV metastatic breast cancer have found the Chinese medicinal herb Ban Zhi Lian to have "anticancer properties," causing death to cancer cells by inhibiting cell division. The study inspired further investigation by Bionovo, a pharmaceutical drug development company, that later launched the first FDA approved clinical study of BZL101 using Ban Zhi Lian as its main cancer-fighting agent. Ban Zhi Lian is categorized as a yin nature with bitter taste meant for purging.