How to Use Black Seed
Things You'll Need
- Black seed
- Black seed oil
- Yogurt
- Honey
- Ginger juice
Apply a teaspoonful of the oil your chest and back. Rub the oil into your skin; this will help you with your cough. Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil into boiling water to create a vapor. Inhale the vapor twice a day to help alleviate your cough or asthma symptoms.
Stop diarrhea by mixing a teaspoon of black seed oil with plain or flavored yogurt. Drink the yogurt mixture twice a day until the diarrhea disappears.
Rub black seed oil onto your skin to keep it soft. Positive Action states ancient Egyptians used black seed oil to nourish their skin. Use a tablespoonful to a handful to moisturize different parts of your body.
Increase the flow of breast milk by grinding 250 grams of black seeds and mixing it with 250 grams of pure honey. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Take it twice a day with a teaspoon of black seed oil. If you are having difficulty breast-feeding, this a natural way of solving the problem.
Gently rub your forehead, the sides of your head and behind your ears with a teaspoonful of black seed oil to stop headaches.
Take a teaspoon of ginger juice with a teaspoon of black seed oil, twice a day, to help with vomiting.g.